About Esqlanelapse
Esqlanelapse is an accessible, standards compliant, fast and easy-to-use
content management system for weblogs & webnews.
Esqlanelapse is simple to install and to administer. Since its very first betas, it has had a graphical web-based installer which doesn't require you to edit any PHP files locally or manually inject database queries.
This means that Esqlanelapse is not yet-another-weblog-system focused on get more and more features. Esqlanelapse is simple. It also cares about web standards:
Esqlanelapse outputs valid XHTML and has an integrated XHTML validator for both posts & comments.
Esqlanelapse should be also very fast. It uses no complex SQL queries and it uses static caches to prevent high database load.
It has the following features:
- Support for pingbacks, trackbacks & comments.
- Support for multiple users which can write posts.
- Support for drafts which can be shared between users.
- Access log with Referers and User-Agents.
- Emoticons (optional) with customizable map.
- Manual comment/trackback/pingback editing and deleting.
- Ability to turn off comments on individual posts.
- XHTML & CSS standards compliant for weblog pages.
- Ability to ping to weblog directories.
- Support for categories & date classification.
- RSS syndication.
- RSS syndication for individual comments' discussions.
- Support for image-based entry titles (with shadows and colors) without sacrificing accessibility.
- Ability to upload files & images to the server without using FTP.
- Customizable CSS stylesheets & headers.
- Multilingual support.
- Much more...
Esqlanelapse can be customizable editing a header/footer HTML file and CSS files. A higher level of customization might require some PHP knowledge.
Server Requirements
- PHP 4.2 or higher (woks fine with PHP 5) with MySQL and PCRE modules enabled.
- MySQL 4.x or 5.0 database.
- 1.5 MB of free disk storage space.
- Both UNIX- and Windows-based servers are supported, although UNIX is preferred.
Language Support
The following language packs are supplied with Esqlanelapse:
- English (default)
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Catalan
To select the language to use in your Esqlanelapse installation:
- Open the directory lang/ in your Esqlanelapse root directory.
- Remove the DEFAULT.php file.
- Duplicate the desired language (in example ES.php) to the name DEFAULT.php
- Upload everything.
Thanks a lot to ebs interactieve communicatie for the new XHTML+CSS design for Esqlanelapse.
Latest Release: Esqlanelapse 2.6.1, June 2007
Download Esqlanelapse 2.6.1
How To Install
- Unpack the distribution.
- Upload everything to your host (in example using FTP).
- Change the permissions to the files upload/, motor/RC.php, motor/data to the maximum (allow read & write to propietary, group & world), or equivalently to mode 777. This is usually done using a contextual menu on graphical FTP clients such as FileZilla.
- Launch a web browser and run the Esqlanelapse directory from your web host.
- Click on run Esqlanelapse installer to install a fresh copy or Esqlanelapse updater to update from previous versions.
- Follow the instructions.
Project Resources
Misc Stuff
Many thanks to SourceForge for hosting this project and homepage:
This document conforms to HTML & CSS web standards.