Esqlanelapse 2.6 -- Easy-to-use PHP-based personal publishing system


About Esqlanelapse

Esqlanelapse is an accessible, standards compliant, fast and easy-to-use content management system for weblogs & webnews.

Esqlanelapse is simple to install and to administer. Since its very first betas, it has had a graphical web-based installer which doesn't require you to edit any PHP files locally or manually inject database queries.

This means that Esqlanelapse is not yet-another-weblog-system focused on get more and more features. Esqlanelapse is simple. It also cares about web standards: Esqlanelapse outputs valid XHTML and has an integrated XHTML validator for both posts & comments.

Esqlanelapse should be also very fast. It uses no complex SQL queries and it uses static caches to prevent high database load.

It has the following features:

Esqlanelapse can be customizable editing a header/footer HTML file and CSS files. A higher level of customization might require some PHP knowledge.

Server Requirements

Language Support

The following language packs are supplied with Esqlanelapse:

To select the language to use in your Esqlanelapse installation:

  1. Open the directory lang/ in your Esqlanelapse root directory.
  2. Remove the DEFAULT.php file.
  3. Duplicate the desired language (in example ES.php) to the name DEFAULT.php
  4. Upload everything.


Thanks a lot to ebs interactieve communicatie for the new XHTML+CSS design for Esqlanelapse.


Latest Release: Esqlanelapse 2.6.1, June 2007

Download Esqlanelapse 2.6.1

How To Install

  1. Unpack the distribution.
  2. Upload everything to your host (in example using FTP).
  3. Change the permissions to the files upload/, motor/RC.php, motor/data to the maximum (allow read & write to propietary, group & world), or equivalently to mode 777. This is usually done using a contextual menu on graphical FTP clients such as FileZilla.
  4. Launch a web browser and run the Esqlanelapse directory from your web host.
  5. Click on run Esqlanelapse installer to install a fresh copy or Esqlanelapse updater to update from previous versions.
  6. Follow the instructions.

Project Resources

Misc Stuff

Many thanks to SourceForge for hosting this project and homepage: Logo

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